Certified Reverse Engineering Analyst Certified
This week I got the CREA certification to add to my list of CISSP, CEPT, Visa QSA. This certification required a good practical and conceptual knowledge of reverse engineering. The certification requires a good working knowledge of components such as IA-32 assembly language, malware reversing, expert level knowledge of IDA Pro, OllyDbg, HiEW, Dumpbin etc., PE File header, repairing packed and compacted binaries, using system level reversing etc. The exam was good and tested on the concepts of the reverse engineer.
Congratulations Rajat on your CREA. I am also interested in the same certification. But I am not sure how to prepare for the exam. I looked up online for the courses but they are quite expensive about $2000. I am a student right now so I don’t have any sponsorer. I have the book on Reversing by Eldad Eilam. And I have also done malware reversing. Can you please help me in getting more practical knowledge of reverse engineering. Thank you.
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LikeDislikeYes, that book is really self-sufficient to pass the exam, however, I’m not sure if you can really take the exam for this certification without the training. Check the IACRB website or e-mail them at exams attt iacertification.org. Other than that I’d strongly recommend learning from experience by installing a VMWare virtual machine and reversing rootkits such as rustok etc.
Your skills would come in handy as a contributor to OWASP certification https://lists.owasp.org/mailman/listinfo/owasp-cert
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LikeDislikeI also have the book (REVERSING) by Eldad Eilam. I am currently in my final year of SE (software Engineering) and I have keen interest in reversing.
hey, rajat, congratulations, that's very nice .
I also working on malware analysis, in the field of research and development, I'm interested on gettting GREM, I'm an iranian guy, can you help me about on how to get this certificate? and when should I apply for this exam's certificate, If you can help me, please send your stuff on my blog, on just send your information to my E-Mail.
thanks alot .
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LikeDislike@Genius For GREM I believe you can take the challenge exams of SANS directly. They cost $600~ I believe. The best resource for that is the GIAC website http://giac.org/certifications/security/grem.php
SANS 602 course takes care of the curriculum.
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LikeDislikehi Rajat,
I know its quite an old post. But i am interested in taking the RE course from intense school which is inclusive of CREA certification. Do you have any idea about the quality of the course and how deep they go in their training?
Please let me know..
Hi Rajat,
Could you please explain on how the training and certification for this course goes? Through which medium did you do the training?I am residing in India and travelling abroad for the training is out of the question.
Though the certification is done with IACRB, the training is done by infosec institute? Could you please elaborate?